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Become a sponsor of the 2023 Edina Art Fair

Become a sponsor to position your business and brand to engage with the 200,000 - 300,000 visitors that patronize the event each year for an upbeat, fun, sun, and art-filled experience.

Sponsorship Benefits

Target Audience

Each year, we see between 250,00 and 300,000 attendees over the three-day fair. From our representative survey, we have learned key facts about our attendees to help illustrate our target audience:

  • 36% have a household income over $75,000
  • We see a variety of ages in equal measure

Impact & Reach

By becoming a sponsor, you'll be able to tap into our paid and earned promotional efforts that include: TV, radio, and print coverage, social media, website, program brochures, and advertisements throughout the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota.

In 2023 we achieved:

  • TV Audience over 345,000
  • Over 944,000 Social impressions
  • Print & Online reach of over 420,000

Sponsorship Opportunities

Promotional Sponsorship

Focus: get your brand associated with the Edina Art Fair

Starting at $2,500 promotional sponsorships focus on driving brand visibility at the Edina Art Fair without a physical booth presence. Options include sponsoring a given feature of the fair or becoming a general sponsor of the event.

Standard Booth Sponsorship: $3,000

Focus: Get your business in front of your target customers

Be one of the few non-artist booths within the Art Fair to engage with your target customers and the 250,000+ estimated attendees

Premier Booth Sponsorship: $5,000

Focus: Get your business in front of your target customers at a premium location

Select your own booth location on a first come-first-served basis and be in a premium location to engage with your target customers and the 250,000+ estimated attendees as well as gain additional visibility through inclusion on the Art Fair's promotional materials

Benefits include:

  • Naming rights for sponsored components
  • Social media promotion
  • Inclusion in all promotional materials
  • optional, presence on-site
  • larger general sponsorships include larger logo placement

Benefits include:

  • Booth placement within the fair - with all sponsor booths on corners
  • Inclusion on art fair website

Benefits include:

  • Select your booth at a premium location on a first-come-first-served basis
  • Social media promotion, including tags on at least one Edina Art Fair social media post
  • Sponsorship listing in promotional materials
  • Inclusion on art fair website

In Kind Sponsorship

We recognize in-kind sponsorships through the donation of materials, supplies, and items that enhance the experience of the Edina Art Fair. Sponsorship at an in-kind level is recognized at its retail value and in negotiation with sponsors. Reach out to us for more information on how to showcase your brand through in-kind support.

Volunteer Sponsorship

Consider how your brand can be elevated during the Edina Art Fair through a volunteer presence. Volunteer sponsorship can showcase your brand whether your volunteers sign up individually, as a team across a specified time period, or with dedicated support for a specific role. Connect with us for more information on how to showcase your brand through volunteer support.

Be A Part of the Legacy!

Since 1966, the Edina Art Fair has served as a national showcase for fine art. Each year an estimated 250,000-300,000 visitors from the metropolitan area and region are expected to celebrate the renowned and prestigious Edina Art Fair.

This event features a wide variety of artistic and creative works, including paintings, ceramics, photography, engravings, wood carvings, jewelry, glasswork, and more. As a highly competitive juried art show, the 50th & France Edina Art Fair receives about 600 applications from local, regional, and national artists.

In addition to our premier artists, the Edina Art Fair includes a vendor marketplace selling various items, food truck courts, beer gardens, as well as Children's activities and entertainment that create a vibrant and festive experience.

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